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  • Myopia (nearsightedness) is a violation of visual acuity when looking at objects that are far away.

  • Hypermetropia (farsightedness) is a violation of visual acuity when looking at objects that are close.

  • Presbyopia is an age-related decrease in visual acuity associated with the natural aging of the lens.

  • Astigmatism is a complex visual impairment due to an irregular shape of the cornea or lens.

  • Eye injuries, including foreign bodies.

  • Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and eyelids, including allergic conjunctivitis and trachoma.

  • Blepharitis, or inflammation of the eyelids.

  • Barley - inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle of the eyelash;

  • Iritis - inflammation of the iris of the eye;

  • Scleritis - inflammation of the deep layers of the sclera of the eye;

  • Keratitis - inflammation of the cornea;

  • Glaucoma is a disease caused by an increase in intraocular pressure;

  • Cataract - clouding of the lens;

  • Degeneration and retinal detachment.


  • Decreased visual acuity when looking at objects that are near or far;

  • heaviness, burning, pain, feeling of "sand", pain in the eyes;

  • lacrimation, discharge from the eyes;

  • local or general redness of the sclera of the eyes;

  • the appearance of dark dots and spots in the field of view;

  • general narrowing of the field of view;

  • the appearance of fog and glowing rings before the eyes;

  • discomfort in the eyes in the light;

  • night vision disorder;

  • violation of color perception;

  • eye injuries, contact with aggressive chemicals and foreign bodies in the eye.


  • If even one symptom from this list appears, you should go to the eye doctor. A timely detected problem will minimize the consequences. 

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Diagnosis of eye diseases is based on information obtained during the interview and examination of the patient, data from instrumental and hardware studies.

The examination includes:

  • external examination of the eyes, determining the reaction of the pupil to light, checking the viewing angle and coordination of vision;

  • ophthalmotonometry - measurement of intraocular pressure;

  • ophthalmoscopy - examination of the fundus with a lens and a biomicroscope;

  • Norn's test, which allows diagnosing dry eye syndrome and corneal damage by rupture of the tear film;

  • visometry - measurement of visual acuity using tables;

  • skiascopy - measurement of refraction of the eye;

  • Ultrasound of the orbits, which allows to assess the state of the internal structures of the eye;

  • biomicrophotography, which allows using a fundus camera to obtain a photograph of the fundus;

  • optical coherence tomography (OCT) - computed tomography of the eye;

  • laboratory research.


Imagine how many movements our eyes make during the day. Intensive work of the oculomotor muscles leads to constant tension. Ophthalmic simulator relieves visual fatigue. Hardware treatment can be used for various kinds of eye diseases.

Who needs to take a course of treatment with Vizotronics and when?

  • PC users

  • Pupils. Especially those who study the exact sciences and the humanities in depth, combine their studies in general education, music or art schools.

  • Athletes. Such sports as shooting, chess carry a significant load on the human eye.

  • Ophthalmic simulator exercises will benefit people over 40 years of age to prevent age-related changes.

Indications for eye treatment with a hardware method:

  • persistent eye fatigue (occupational ophthalmopathy)

  • computer vision syndrome

  • acquired and false myopia

  • complications after refractive surgery on the cornea

  • presbyopia

A course of treatment on an ophthalmic simulator can be useful as an additional procedure in the detection of cataracts at the initial stage, with some types of strabismus, retinal dystrophy, and also in the case when partial atrophy of the optic nerve occurs.

How does an ophthalmic simulator work?

Movement and light are the main general tonic factors for a person. These are the principles of operation of the device. The ophthalmic simulator "teaches" the ciliary and oculomotor muscles to relax. Their endurance and coordination increase, the performance of the entire visual system improves.

There are four options for complex exercises. Consistent implementation of them gives high results in treatment. A positive effect is also observed due to an increase in the psycho-emotional background. After all, the patient can evaluate the visual results already after the first session.

Contraindications to the use of an ophthalmic simulator are:

  • acute and chronic inflammation of the eyes, eyelids

  • exotropia

  • disturbance of the optical media of the eyes

  • development of pathologies of the retina and optic nerve

  • glaucoma

In the medical center "DOCTOR 52" you can undergo a full range of diagnostic measures of the organs of vision. Examinations are carried out on modern equipment by experienced specialists.



Imagine how many movements our eyes make during the day. Intensive work of the oculomotor muscles leads to constant tension. Ophthalmic simulator relieves visual fatigue. Hardware treatment can be used for various kinds of eye diseases.

Who needs to take a course of treatment with Vizotronics and when?

  • PC users

  • Pupils. Especially those who study the exact sciences and the humanities in depth, combine their studies in general education, music or art schools.

  • Athletes. Such sports as shooting, chess carry a significant load on the human eye.

  • Ophthalmic simulator exercises will benefit people over 40 years of age to prevent age-related changes.

Indications for eye treatment with a hardware method:

  • persistent eye fatigue (occupational ophthalmopathy)

  • computer vision syndrome

  • acquired and false myopia

  • complications after refractive surgery on the cornea

  • presbyopia

A course of treatment on an ophthalmic simulator can be useful as an additional procedure in the detection of cataracts at the initial stage, with some types of strabismus, retinal dystrophy, and also in the case when partial atrophy of the optic nerve occurs.

How does an ophthalmic simulator work?

Movement and light are the main general tonic factors for a person. These are the principles of operation of the device. The ophthalmic simulator "teaches" the ciliary and oculomotor muscles to relax. Their endurance and coordination increase, the performance of the entire visual system improves.

There are four options for complex exercises. Consistent implementation of them gives high results in treatment. A positive effect is also observed due to an increase in the psycho-emotional background. After all, the patient can evaluate the visual results already after the first session.

Contraindications to the use of an ophthalmic simulator are:

  • acute and chronic inflammation of the eyes, eyelids

  • exotropia

  • disturbance of the optical media of the eyes

  • development of pathologies of the retina and optic nerve

  • glaucoma

In the medical center "DOCTOR 52" you can undergo a full range of diagnostic measures of the organs of vision. Examinations are carried out on modern equipment by experienced specialists.

узи глаз
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with an ophthalmologist
Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with an ophthalmologist
Washing of the lacrimal ducts
Steam and retrobulbar injections
Hardware treatment on the ophthalmic simulator "Visotronic"
Hardware treatment on the ophthalmic simulator "Visotronic"
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